This image shows Christoph Schlopschnat

Christoph Schlopschnat


Research Associate
2019 - current


Keplerstrasse 11
70174 Stuttgart


Christoph Schlopschnat is a research associate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and in the Cluster of Excellence (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart. His research focuses on advanced computational design strategies, novel fabrication methods of lightweight material systems and the development of digital tools to transform design processes into the built environment.
Recently, he has worked on the computational design of the architectural building system and the fibre syntax for the Maison Fibre multi-story building demonstrator, which was exhibited at the 17th Architectural Biennale in Venice. He investigated new material components for bio-based natural fibre systems and most recently led the development of the digital design frameworks for the livMatS Biomimetic Shell in Freiburg and the Hybrid Flax Pavilion at the Landesgartenschau Wangen im Allgäu. These frameworks merged architectural design and analysis methods, manufacturing and construction processes, as well as requirements from both research and industry partners into interoperable, process-based building information models. This allowed real-time collaboration, data management, versioning and automation of geometrical data.

He holds a Dipl.-Ing. degree in architecture from University of Innsbruck, Austria and was awarded the Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Architecture for his thesis on carbon fibre reinforced, 3d-printed concrete structures in a multi-robotic framework.

Prior to joining ICD and the Cluster of Excellence (IntCDC), Christoph worked as a researcher, teacher and collaborator in the field of computational design and robotic fabrication at the Department of Experimental and Digital Design at University of Kassel and at the Robotic Experimental Architecture Laboratory at the University of Innsbruck.

  • Hybrid Wood-Naturalfibre Composite Building System
    2022-2024, ICD
    Sustainable bioeconomy as a driver of innovation for rural areas
    Funding Body: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
    Funding ID: BWFE310111
  • Natural Fibre Structures
    2021-2022, AP12, IntCDC
    Methods to design, fabricate and monitor the implementation of novel load-bearing components from natural fiber materials as resource-efficient, digitally produced fiber composite systems: Project LivMatS Pavilion
    Funding Body: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU
    Funding ID: 37101_01-25
  • Material Culture - Maison Fibre
    2020-2021, IntCDC
    Rethinking the physical substrate for living together. 17th Internnational Archtecture Exhibition 2021 "How will we live together", La Biennale, Venice
    Funding Body: Ministry Science, Research, and Arts (MWK)
    Funding ID: MWK 32-7533-4-110/23/4
  • Leichtbau BW Innovation Challenge
    2019-2020, ICD
    Explorative design tools for fiber composite structures
    Funding Body: Ministry Science, Research, and Arts (MWK)
    Funding ID: 7533-4-113.0/7/20
  • Hybrid Flax Pavilion
    2024, ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes
    Landesgartenschau Wangen im Allgäu
  • livMatS Biomimetic Shell
    2023, ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes
    Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies
  • BUGA Wood Pavilion
    2023, ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes
    Bundesgartenschau Mannheim
  • Fibrous Tectonics
    2022, ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes
    MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome, Italy
  • Maison Fibre
    2021, ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes
    17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2021, Italy

Opgenorth, N., Cheng, T., Lauer, A., Skoury, L., Sahin, E., Stark, T., Tahouni, Y., Treml, S., Göbel, M., Kiesewetter, L., Schlopschnat, C., Zorn, M., Yang, X., Amtsberg, F., Wagner, H.J., Wood, D., Sawodny, O., Wortmann, T., Menges, A.: 2024, Multi-Scalar Computational Fabrication and Construction of Bio-based Building Envelopes - The livMatS Biomimetic Shell, Fabricate 2024 - Creating Resourceful Futures, Conference Paper

Schlopschnat, C., Gil Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Duque Estrada, R., Kannenberg, F., Rinderspacher, K., Knippers, J., Menges, A.:
2023, Co-Design of Fibrous Walls for Multi-Story Buildings, Advances in Architectural Geometry, Conference Paper

Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Duque Estrada, R., Kannenberg, F., Rinderspacher, K., Schlopschnat, C., Gil Perez, M., Knippers, J., Menges, A.: 2021, Design and development of an FRP-Timber hybrid building system for multi-story applications in architecture: Maison Fibre, ACADIA Realignments - Towards Critical Computation, Conference Paper

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