Robotic Softness: Behavioural Fabrication Process of Woven Structures

24.10.2016 - 26.10.2016 | ICD Workshop
University of Michigan, Michigan, USA

L.Vasey, G. Brugnaro, A. Menges


Workshop Process and Result by ICD University of Stuttgart

Robotic Softness: Behavioural Fabrication Process of Woven Structures

Acadia 2016: PostHuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and Cognitive Machines, University of Michigan FABlab, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

We are excited to present the outcome of the ACADIA 2016 workshop, “Robotic Softness: Behavioural Fabrication Process of Woven Structures,” hosted last month at the University of Michigan, taught by ICD Research Associate Lauren Vasey with ITECH masters alum Giulio Brugnaro. The workshop was a three day workshop, investigating the themes of behavioral fabrication, online robotic control, and machine vision through the robotic fabrication process of weaving. The workshop was based on the ITECH master's thesis of Giulio Brugnaro, “Robotic Softness,” with thesis advisors Ehsan Baharlou and Lauren Vasey.

Over a three day period, participants were introduced to agent based computation and design methods, as well as digital and analogue methods for designing with material behavior and robotic constraints. On the final day of the workshop, participants used an online robotic process to weave three dimensional prototypes with the robot.

The workshop was also featured in a write-up on Archinect.


ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction

Prof. Achim Menges, Lauren Vasey
Giulio Brugnaro (UCL, ITECH alum)


Ali Askarinejad, Aneri Mehta, Ben Lawson, Drishti Haria, Marcin Kosicki, Layth Mahdi, Matias Cena, Mathew Gordon, One Jea Lee, Paola Sanguinetti, Rizkallah Chaaraoui, Suleiman Alhadidi, Edward Coe, Ellison Turpin

Supported by

Getty Lab

Organized by

Acadia 2016: PostHuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and Cognitive Machines
University of Michigan FABLab
Workshop Chairs: Catie Newell, Wes McGee

ITECH Master Thesis Video

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