ACADIA Workshop 2020 - DualAdditive Manufacturing

24.+ 25.10.2020 | ICD Workshop
ACADIA 2020 Distributed Proximities (Online + Global)

Prof. A. Menges, H. J. Wagner, D. M. Wood, T. Cheng, L. Orozco, H. Chai, Y. Tahouni

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Workshop Process and Result by ICD University of Stuttgart

Workshop Video

ACADIA 2020 Workshop - Dual Additive Manufacturing

This workshop explores the novel potentials for timber construction and computational design that arise at the intersection of rapid additive robotic assembly of timber elements and in-process bio-based 3D-printed connections. Participants enter a virtual control room that is equipped with the necessary digital tools that allow them to collaboratively design timber - bioplastic hybrid structures and directly initiate robotic construction processes in the Computational-Construction Laboratory of the Institute of Computational Design and Construction at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. A heavy-duty industrial robot arm on a 12m linear axis is equipped with a vacuum-gripper and a 3D printing effector that achieves bead-widths of up to 5mm thickness. The focus is set on developing novel additive assembly sequences and interfaces leveraging the unique fabrication setup. The intent is to then automate the production of a series of small scale prototype components with different internal material arrangement. In parallel, the production sequence for a larger slab component will be explored and analysed digitally, and the internal arrangements documented through a series of layered line drawings. In a fast-paced cyber-physical robotic fabrication charrette this 3 x 1.5 m big structural timber slab is produced taking turns in collaboratively controlling the time-agnostic robotic setup according to participant’s global time zones. 

The participants investigated the topic of dual additive manufacturing in three themes: 

  • Bespoke, formfit timber joints
  • Global design strategies
  • Compliant embedded mechanism

ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction

Prof. Achim Menges, Hans Jakob Wagner, Dylan Marx Wood, Tiffany Cheng, Chai Hua, Luis Orozco, Yasaman Tahouni

supported by Tim Stark


Eric Peterson, Fatima Javeed, Mahdieh Hadian Rasanani, George Guida, Melis Çetin
Kshitij Nashine, Yelda Gin, Ana Gatóo, Slate Werner, Kyle Vansice, Darcy Zelenko, Mitchell Ransome, Severi Virolainen, Hex Ceballos, Varalikaraj Singh, Emilio Robles
Erick Vernon-Galindo, Lourdes Robles, Camila Martinez Alarcon, Elif Akbaş, Isla Xi Han
Francesca Maisto, Gabrielle Clune, Hanieh Kouchaki, Sanaz Zarghami

Supported by

UPM Formi

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