Digitaler Holzbau - FRAC Pavillon

Winter Semester 2012 / 2013 | ICD Seminar
Bachelor Module 22800
Diploma 2.2.6

Prof. A. Menges, S. Reichert, T. Schwinn, O. Krieg

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Digitaler Holzbau - FRAC Pavillon

Blockseminar mit viertägiger Exkursion nach Südtirol

The seminar will focus on the newest methods in digital timber fabrication and construction, which will be applied in the context of a full-scale pavilion.
In the course of the FRAC Centre's reopening in Orléans a full-scale pavilion will be planned, fabricated and constructed for the internationally renowned ArchiLab 2013 exhibition. As a prototypical material system the pavilion will contextualize the expanding design space given by integrating material behavior and digital fabrication techniques in architecture. This will be shown through the combination of prefabricated, structurally efficient modules and hygroscopic, reactive elements.
The field trip and the subsequent block seminar aim at providing an insight into the different opportunities of industrial and robotic timber fabrication using the example of an innovative, modular lightweight construction system. Through the planning, fabrication and construction of the FRAC pavilion these experiences will be immediately applied on an architectural scale. Based on an existing design the field trip will focus on a computational planning and detailing workshop together with specialists from the Rubner Group. The final planning will then continue in Stuttgart, where the fabricated elements will be assembled and robotically processed in the RoboLab.

The field trip as well as the optional transportation to Orléans for final assembly are free of charge. It is possible to receive 4+4 credits, or 6+6 LP for complete participation. It is also possible for Bachelor students in the fifth semester to continue their research on this topic as an international design project in the sixth semester.

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