Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Winter Semester 2024 I ICD Seminar
Bachelor Module 22800, Computerbasiertes Entwerfen 2

Prof. A. Menges, D. Garufi, Tenure-Track Prof. Thomas Wortmann, D. Elshani

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

First Meeting: 18.10.2024, 9:00, room Casino

A building information model is a holistic process of creating and managing information about a built asset.

The main advantage of BIM is the collaborative and interdisciplinary planning working method, which has the potential to enhance the planning process in terms of the cost, timeline, and quality of the project. This advantage, which was not possible before BIM was adopted, offers the possibility to anticipate and overcome problems in the digital environment before construction begins.

When working in BIM, we ensure that each geometrical information representative of the building artefact is mirrored by its digital twin. A building component, such as a wall, would therefore have a specific level of geometrical detail and level of information according to the phase of the project, which would allow designers to deliver and exchange specific data information with third parties; to test, simulate and monitor the life cycle analysis and performance of a project.

This course will look at the most commonly used authoring and coordination software in today´s architectural and engineering practices to deliver a BIM project. Starting with the fundamentals of Revit, we will learn how to build, operate, and coordinate a Revit shared collaborative project environment. Students will be taught how to exchange information by using Model view definitions, IFC mappings, and exporting/importing models to third parties.

The use of several applications, such as Rhino Inside and Dynamo, will be essential to overcoming software limitations and automating various tasks in a project. Toward the end of the course, we will delve into issue management and collaboration software and their interfaces to the Revit/IFC data set.

This course will prepare students to deal with simple to complex BIM authoring and coordination tasks that architects and engineers face daily. No previous knowledge is required.

Resources and assignments will be handed out through the University´s Learning Management Systems ILIAS. Assignment results will be submitted on ILIAS.

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