<!---Project by V. Egle, M. Kip, D. Primutz, R. Teixeira--->

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Summer Semester I ICD Seminar
Bachelor Module 22791, Computerbasiertes Entwerfen 1
Master Module 47561, Computerbasiertes Entwerfen

ICD: Prof. A. Menges, F. Evers

Building Information Modelling

First Meeting: 16.10.2018, 9:45, room 6.05

Building Information Models are virtual architectural models, which, apart from the geometry, include information which is relevant for a planning process. Important components, such as geographic information, exposure analysis, mass calculations, cost parameters as well as planning details are embedded into a parametric model. The loss of information from design to construction is minimized and problems at the interfaces of different areas are quickly and easily uncovered.
Therefore, Building Information Models form a logical extension of digital representation models to planning tools that render and support the entire planning cycle of a project.

The aim of the seminar is to communicate the principles of information models and their potentials in a design and planning process. The seminar is structured in a theory and a practical part. The theoretical part aims to teach participating students the basic principles of BIM technology. In the practical part, students will work on exercises and a specific project using BIM software, such as Revit/Dynamo.

The seminar focuses on practical exercises with the BIM software Revit 2019 and Dynamo from Autodesk. No previous knowledge is required.

The computer workstations of the University of Stuttgart are currently not accessible due to the Corona Pandemic.The basic requirement for participation in the BIM seminar is therefore an Autodesk Revit 2019 with Dynamo installed on personal computers.
Resources and assignments will be handed out through the University's Learning Management System ILIAS. Assignment results will be submitted on ILIAS.

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