Algorithmische Raumstrukturen

Winter Semester 2012 / 2013 | ICD/IRGE Seminar
Bachelor Module 22790 & 22800
Diploma 2.2.8
Theory of Computaional Design

ICD: Prof. A. Menges, K. Dierichs, M. Dörstelmann
IRGE: Prof. M. Allmann, S. Wockenfuß, B. Klinge

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Algorithmische Raumstrukturen

Computerbasierte Entwurfsstrategien für algorithmische Raumsysteme

The rapid development of computational design within the last two decades as well as the formulation of new spatial concepts allow for novel interpretations of architectural space.
The focus in this field of research is placed on an integrated design approach that incorporates spatial tectonics, structural and material based construction processes and programmatic aspects into a coherent architectural system.The course will initiate a discourse on algorithmic spatial organisations. This topic will be introduced by lectures and discussions within the context of computational design.The aim of the seminar is to generate a differentiated spatial system using associative modelling that is based on relevant parameters, like spatial density, connection and arrangement.
Using the associative model, the single system parameters and their correlations will be investigated and the model’s parametric properties will be visualised through animation techniques. A physical model will complement the investigation.

Interest and commitment to the design of spatial concepts through new techniques and ways of thinking, as well as, basic skills in the required software applications like Grasshopper/Phython are expected. Alternatively the separate seminar ’ Einführung in Computerbasiertes Entwerfen (Grasshopper, Python) 2.2.2 Computerbasiertes Entwerfen II’ needs to be attended. Teamwork is possible. The seminar is a co-operation between ICD and IRGE.

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