Wissenstransfer für Leichtbau im Bauwesen (WiTra-LB)

2019-2020 | Research Projects
MWK Baden-Württemberg

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - IBP, IAO
Universität Stuttgart - ICD, ILEK, ITKE, VISUS

Wissenstransfer für Leichtbau im Bauwesen (WiTra-LB)

Background and Motivation

In recent years, research institutions, such as University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute Centre (IZS) have produced a unique knowledge base in the field of sustainable construction. Research findings have already been implemented through projects in collaboration with companies in the construction sector in Baden-Württemberg in order to achieve technical improvements, reduce the consumption of resources, and to make their potential available for the economy and the environment. The basic results of these projects are often transferable and thus contribute to the sustainable development of the federal state and the business location. In this context, the innovations can be used as innovation seeds to future-proof individual actors in addition to supporting the sustainability potential. Up until now, the development of this potential has been insufficient, because small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in particular often have only limited possibilities to provide their own research funding. This means that the high initial outlay for entry into the topics of lightweight construction and sustainability stands in the way of implementation across the breadth of Baden-Württemberg's SMEs.

Project Goals

The project aims at providing small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction sector access to particularly relevant aspects of this knowledge base via an interactive web platform in order to make it effectively usable and thus to improve innovation and competitiveness of enterprises. With well-founded scientific findings on innovative materials and processes in the context of lightweight construction in the construction sector and on the planning of sustainable buildings, quarters and cities, the platform addresses important issues for the future. The findings support companies in driving forward the development and application of resource- and emission-reduced building products and thus help to overcome economic uncertainties with innovative solutions. The findings support companies in advancing the development and application of resource- and emission-reduced building products and thus help to overcome economic uncertainties with innovative solutions. Also regarding the uncertainty caused by the current climate change debate, the platform will create a transparent basis for knowledge-based entrepreneurial action.

Witra - Knowhow für nachhaltige Innovation


IBP Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics

IAO Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering

ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart
Prof. A. Menges

ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design, University of Stuttgart
Prof. J. Knippers, Jun.-Prof. H. Dahy

ILEK Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design
Dr. W. Haase

VISUS Visualization Research Center
Prof. D. Weiskopf


Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, Baden-Württemberg

Contact information


Institute for Computational Design and Construction

University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, 70174 Stuttgart

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