Robotic Screw-Press Gluing

2021-2023 | Research Projects
Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau (BBSR)

Institute for Computational Design and Construction (Prof. Achim Menges)
Material Testing Institute - Department of Timber Structures (Dr. Simon Aicher)

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Robotic Screw-Press Gluing

Development of high performance and flexible digitally manufactured adhesive joints in wood construction.

In this project, novel potentials for timber construction are explored with a focus on the application of automated and at the same time flexible screw-press bonding methods that can be employed both on- and off-site. It is generally acknowledged in timber construction that additive production steps, such as joining and connecting wooden components to form large assemblies are only automated to a limited extent. In these spatially complex fabrication operations, industrial robots can play a key role, as they not only have the necessary flexibility, but also can spatially arrange components with high precision. Recent research shows how wooden beams can be robotically joined and nailed, which contributes to a smooth fabrication process, but has little structural performance. More performative glued connections until now either require elaborate pressing machinery or rely on excess glue that is manually injected into sealed interface gaps. Screw press bonding offers the possibility to establish performative glued joints without form-restricting pressing machines but its potential in digital fabrication is not yet explored and brought into alignment with building codes. 

The project will explore the architectural potentials of this construction method and will develop comprehensive robotic routines and tools to allow for the automated assembly of performative timber structures. In parallel the method is analyzed in detail to investigate its alignment with building codes and building regulations. 



ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart

Tim Stark, Hans Jakob Wagner, Tobias Schwinn, Prof. A. Menges

MPA Material Testing Institute - Department of Timber Structures, University of Stuttgart

Marian Claus, Cristóbal Tapia Camú, Gerhard Dill-Langer, Dr. Simon Aicher

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, G. Stapf

HECO Schrauben GmbH und Co. KG, A. Carstenjen



BBSR - Bundesinstitut für Bau- Stadt- und Raumforschung im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung.

Innovationsprogramm Zukunft Bau


Contact information


Institute for Computational Design and Construction

University of Stuttgart, Keplerstraße 11, 70174 Stuttgart

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