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Selected Publications
- Leder, S., Kannenberg, F., Siriwardena, L., Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2024). Approaching the Augmentation of Heuristic Behaviors with Reinforcement Learning in Collective Robotic Construction. SIGraDi 2024 - Biodigital Intelligent Systems XXVIII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society for Digital Graphics, 1.
- Zhang, P., Sevim, S., Leder, S., Maierhofer, M., Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2024). Multi-Robotic Maypole Braiding. In O. Kontovourkis, M. C. Phocas, & G. Wurzer (Eds.), Data-Driven Intelligence - Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2024) (Vol. 1, pp. 137–146). eCAADe.
- Schwinn, T., Siriwardena, L., & Menges, A. (2023). Integrative Agent-Based Architectural Design Modelling for Segmented Timber Shells. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2023, 177–192.
- Schwinn, T., Groenewolt, A., Nguyen, L., Siriwardena, L., Alvarez, M., Reiner, A., Zorn, M. B., & Menges, A. (2023). ABxM.PlateStructures: Agent-based Architectural Design of Plate Structures. DaRUS.
- Leder, S., & Menges, A. (2023). Introducing Agent-Based Modeling Methods for Designing Architectural Structures with Multiple Mobile Robotic Systems. In C. Gengnagel, O. Baverel, G. Betti, M. Popescu, M. R. Thomsen, & J. Wurm (Eds.), Towards Radical Regeneration (pp. 71--83). Springer International Publishing.
- Kolbeck, L., Kovaleva, D., Manny, A., Stieler, D., Rettinger, M., Renz, R., Tošić, Z., Teschemacher, T., Stindt, J., Forman, P., Borrmann, A., Blandini, L., Stempniewski, L., Stark, A., Menges, A., Schlaich, M., Albers, A., Lordick, D., Bletzinger, K.-U., & Mark, P. (2023). Modularisation Strategies for Individualised Precast Construction - Conceptual Fundamentals and Research Directions. Designs, 7(6), Article 6.
- Stieler, D., Schwinn, T., Leder, S., Maierhofer, M., Kannenberg, F., & Menges, A. (2022). Agent-based modeling and simulation in architecture. Automation in Construction, 141, 104426.
- Forman, P., Stieler, D., Mark, P., & Menges, A. (2022). Adaptive Modulbauweisen mit Methoden der Fließfertigung. In V. T. Nguyen, M. Krüger, B. Freytag, & T. M. Laggner (Eds.), 5. Grazer Betonkolloquium (pp. 79–86). Verlag der TU Graz.
- Leder, S., Kim, H., Oguz, O. S., Kalousdian, N. K., Hartmann, V. N., Menges, A., Toussaint, M., & Sitti, M. (2022). Leveraging Building Material as Part of the In-Plane Robotic Kinematic System for Collective Construction. Advanced Science, 2201524.
- Stieler, D., Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2022). Additive formwork in precast construction - Agent-based Methods for Fabrication-aware Modularization of Concrete Building Elements. In J. van Ameijde, N. Gardner, K. H. Hyun, L. Dan, & U. Sheth (Eds.), Post Carbon - Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. CAADRIA.
- Stieler, D., Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2022). Volumetric intersections: Modularization approaches for freeform prefab concrete construction. Civil Engineering Design, 4(1–3), Article 1–3.
- Maierhofer, M., & Menges, A. (2022). Methods for Integrating Architectural Design Intent into the Agent-based Design of (Adaptive) Truss Structures. In M. Akbarzadeh, D. Aviv, H. J. Jamelle, & R. Stuart-Smith (Eds.), Hybrids and Haecceities: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) (pp. 318--325). ACADIA.
- Nguyen, L., Schwinn, T., Groenewolt, A., Maierhofer, M., Zorn, M. B., Stieler, D., Siriwardena, L., Kannenberg, F., & Menges, A. (2022). ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework. DaRUS.
- Orozco, L., Krtschil, A., Skoury, L., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2022). Arrangement of reinforcement in variable density timber slab systems for multi-story construction. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 20(4), Article 4.
- Stieler, D., Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2022). Automatisierte Bauteilzerlegung für Betonfertigteile aus additiv hergestellten Schalungen. Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau, 117(5), Article 5.
- Orozco, L., Krtschil, A., Wagner, H. J., Bechert, S., Amtsberg, F., Skoury, L., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2021). Design Methods for Variable Density, Multi-Directional Composite Timber Slab Systems for Multi-Storey. In V. Stojakovic & B. Tepavcevic (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 303--312). Cumincad.
- Schwinn, T. (2021). A systematic approach for developing agent-based architectural design models of segmented shells : towards autonomously learned goal-oriented agent behaviors. ICD Research Report, 5, Article 5.
- Wagner, H. J., Alvarez, M., Groenewolt, A., & Menges, A. (2020). Towards digital automation flexibility in large-scale timber construction: integrative robotic prefabrication and co-design of the BUGA Wood Pavilion. Construction Robotics, 120, Article 120.
- Maierhofer, M., & Menges, A. (2019). Towards integrative design processes and computational design tools for the design space exploration of adaptive architectural structures. ICETAD 2019 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Architectural Design, 113--120.
- Groenewolt, A., Schwinn, T., Nguyen, L., & Menges, A. (2018). An interactive agent-based framework for materialization-informed architectural design. Swarm Intelligence, 12(2), Article 2.
- Baharlou, E. (2017). Generative agent-based architectural design computation : behavioral strategies for integrating material, fabrication and construction characteristics in design processes. ICD Research Report, 1, Article 1.
- Brugnaro, G., Baharlou, E., Vasey, L., & Menges, A. (2016). Robotic Softness: An Adaptive Robotic Fabrication Process for Woven Structures. Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines, Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 154--163.
- Schwinn, T., & Menges, A. (2015). Fabrication Agency – Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall. Architectural Design, 85(5), Article 5.
- Krieg, O. D., Schwinn, T., Menges, A., Li, J.-M., Knippers, J., Schmitt, A., & Schwieger, V. (2015). Biomimetic lightweight timber plate shells : computational integration of robotic fabrication, architectural geometry and structural design. Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014, 109–125.
- Baharlou, E., & Menges, A. (2015). Toward a behavioral design system : an agent-based approach for polygonal surfaces structures. Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 161–172.
- Vasey, L., Baharlou, E., Dörstelmann, M., Koslowski, V., Prado, M., Schieber, G., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2015). Behavioral Design and Adaptive Robotic Fabrication of a Fiber Composite Compression Shell With Pneumatic Formwork. Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 297--309.
- Schwinn, T., Krieg, O., & Menges, A. (2014). Behavioral Strategies: Synthesizing Design Computation and Robotic Fabrication of Lightweight Timber Plate Structures. Design Agency - Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), 177--188.
- Baharlou, E., & Menges, A. (2013). Generative agent-based design computation: Integrating material formation and construction constraints. Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31th ECAADe Conference, 2, 165--174.
- Parascho, S., Baur, M., Baharlou, E., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2013). Agent Based Model for the Development of Integrative Design Tools. Proceedings of the 33nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) – Adaptive Architecture, 429--430.
- Baharlou, E., & Menges, A. (2013). Behavioural prototyping: an approach to agent-based computational design driven by fabrication characteristics and material constraints. Rethinking Prototyping - Proceedings of the Design Modelling Symposium Berlin 2013, 291--303.
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Tobias Schwinn
Dr.-Ing.Head of Research and Research Infrastructure