Material Acts

September 28, 2024 /

Los Angeles, USA

The ITECH research pavilion HygroShell will be featured in the exhibition Material Acts in the Craft Contemporary, Los Angeles, from September 28 to January 5. HygroShell explores the potential of using wood's inherent shape changing properties for an in situ self-construction. The projects was part of the interdisciplinary masters program ITECH (Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research) and was first introduced on the Chicago Architecture Biennial. 

Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design, part of the Getty PST ART: Art and Science Collide initiative, explores how nature inspires material experimentation in architecture, craft, and science. Curated by Kate Yeh Chiu and Jia Yi Gu, the exhibition is organized into five acts—Animating, Disassembling, Feeding, Re-fusing, and Stitching—highlighting dynamic material transformations in response to climate and ecological crises. Supported by the Getty Foundation, with additional funding from The National Endowment for the Arts, Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, and The Antonia and Vladimir Kulaev Cultural Heritage Fund. More details can be found here.

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