ICD Inauguration Lecture: Brett Steele

July 24, 2009 / Director Architectural Association, London

ICD Events

Brett Steele is the Director of the Architectural Association School of Architecture and AA Publications. The AA is the UK's oldest and only private school of architecture, and has for decades been recognized as an influential world-wide leader in architectural education. AA School graduates are the recipients of numerous prizes including Pritzker Prizes, RIBA Gold Medal & Stirling Awards, AIA and other design awards. The AA School is the world's most international school of architecture, with full-time students joining the AA from more than fifty home countries each year. Brett also directs the AA Public Programmes, which each year organizes one of the world's largest public programmes dedicated to contemporary architectural culture, presented at the AA and other venues and including dozens of visiting architects, artists, exhibitions, symposia and other events open to a public audience as well as 3,000 AA members world-wide.
Brett Steele is the founder and former Director of the AADRL Design Research Lab, the innovative team- and network-based M.Arch programme at the Architectural Association. He is a Partner of DAL, desArchLab, an architectural office in London, and has taught and lectured at schools throughout the world. His interests include contemporary architecture and cities, architectural culture, and the impact of new media and today's network-based distributed design and communication systems on architectural education. He is the editor of 'Negotiate My Boundary' (London 2002), 'Corporate Fields' (London 2005), 'D[R]L Research' (Beijing 2005), and 'Supercritical' (forthcoming, 2008). He is Series Editor of 'AA Words: Critical Thinking in Contemporary Architecture', and the 'AA Agendas' Series. Brett's articles, interviews & lectures have appeared in Arch+, AD, Architectural Review, A+U, Archis, AA Files, Harvard Design Magazine, The Architects Journal, Hunch, World Architecture, Log, Japan Architect, Icon Magazine, Daidalos and other journals; on CNN and the BBC and in other media, and a selection can be found online at www.brettsteele.net

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