ICD Expert Lecture SS 2014
25.04.2014 15:00
Room 6.05, K1
Keplerstrasse 11, 70174 Stuttgart
Branko Kolarevic holds the Chair in Integrated Design and co-directs the Laboratory for Integrative Design (LID). Prior to his appointment at the University of Calgary, he was the Irving Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ball State University in Indiana. He has taught architecture at several universities in North America, most recently at the University of Pennsylvania, and in Asia, in Hong Kong. He has lectured worldwide on the use of digital technologies in design and production and has authored, edited or co-edited several books, including the recently published "Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture" (with Kevin Klinger), "Performative Architecture: Beyond Instrumentality" (with Ali Malkawi) and "Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing." He is the past president of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) and is the recipient of the ACADIA 2007 Award for Innovative Research. He holds doctoral and master's degrees in design from Harvard University and a diploma engineer in architecture degree from the University of Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia.